
Vitamin E and Anti-aging

Posted by whitney smith Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vitamin E is powerful anti-oxidants which can help you in fighting the process of aging. According to experts vitamin E can help you to slow down the aging process. Vitamin E is one of the most popular skin anti-aging agent, both as an oral and tropical treatment.

Human bodies produce free radicals and anti-oxidants on a regular basis but as we grow older and older our body produces less anti-oxidants more free radicals. Oxidation caused by free radicals damages cells, tissues and organs. The damage caused by free radicals to the cells is similar to the process of rusting of iron or an apple turning into brown.

These free radicals are also produced due to various other external factors like harmful UV rays of sun, pollution and even smoke. These free radicals cause oxidation to skin cells. Free radicals attacks and damages your skin cells. As a result aging will occur. But vitamin E helps to inactivate free radicals and it makes them less likely to cause damage. Not only it neutralizes free radicals of body but this vitamin also has unique ability to protect other anti-oxidants present in your body.

Vitamin E also helps to boost immunity levels, fights cancer and heart disease, thwarts arthritis, smooth flow of blood and better brain function. Major food sources of vitamin E are almonds, vegetable oil, tomatoes, mixed nuts, spinach, sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrot, Brazil nuts and olive oil.

According to researchers for anti-aging purpose you should intake 200IU to 400IU of vitamin E which is not possible to receive from diet alone. So, you can take oral supplement. But consuming more than 400IU of vitamin E will harm you instead of giving you benefits. Consuming vitamin E less than 400IU per day can be beneficial for you as, it will help you to fight aging process.


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