Acne is the most common skin disease worldwide. Acne is caused when there is overproduction of oil by the oil glands of your skin. Even though it’s one of the most common skin diseases, you don’t need any antibiotics or harsh chemicals for its treatment. There are some effective home remedies that can help you to get rid of acne.
Here I've listed some of the best home remedies to get rid of acne.
(1) Drink plenty of water
Drink plenty of water every day. Aim to drink at least two liters of still mineral water. Drinking water detoxicates your body system and kills the harmful bacteria that cause acne. Another major cause of acne is intake of excessive oily foods also. So, you should strictly avoid spicy and fried food. A right combination of nutritional balance and proper skin care will certainly help you to get rid of acne.
(2) Fruits and vegetables
Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Eat varieties of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. If you want to get rid of acne, you have supply your body with more fruits and vegetables. Slowly but dramatically, your acne will be gone is just weeks. After including fruits and vegetables in your diet, you will soon notice that a lot of acne has disappeared from your face. Also, the fibers present in fruits and vegetables help to detoxify your body. Excessive amount of toxins is also one of the causes of acne.
(3) Cooked oatmeal
The application of oatmeal on the face is most popular and best home remedy to get rid of acne. Our facial skin has sebaceous glands that excrete oil. Due to this reason dirt and bacteria lodge on the pores of our skin and by applying cooked oatmeal that has been cooled down to room temperature helps you to get rid of that dirt. After application of oatmeal you should leave it on your face until it dries up. The oatmeal will absorb the excess oil on your face drawing with it the clogs your dirt that pores.
(4) Garlic
Garlic is also considered very effective in curing acne. Garlic can be used in two ways. Either you can crush 2-3 bulbs of garlic and apply them on your breakouts twice a day or you can also chew down a bulb of garlic a day. This will help you to get rid of your acne. You can follow first step for quick results. A bulb of garlic a day keeps acne away…
(5) Toothpaste
Amazingly toothpaste also helps you to get rid of acne. It has been scientifically proved that acne can be healed by the application of toothpaste on your face every day. Many people have already tried this process and gained positive and successful results.
(6) Honey Mask
Honey is also one of the popular remedy to get rid of acne. The natural antibacterial quality of honey helps you to get rid of acne quickly and safely. All you need to do is apply honey to the face as a mask. This will kill the harmful bacteria on the surface of your skin. You should apply this mask once or twice a week depending upon result of usage.
(7) Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar or any forms of vinegar is very helpful remedy to get rid of acne. It absorbs excess oil from your skin and also kills the acne causing bacteria by balancing your skin’s pH.