
Facial Exercises

Posted by whitney smith Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Everybody knows the health benefits of exercises as it increase blood circulation, tone up the muscles of the body and keep the body fit. Since, every parts of the body is being exercised then why not the face.

Those exercises which particularly target your face are known as facial exercises. The youthful face that you are dreaming of can be achieved by the help of facial exercise. Facial exercises keep your face fit according to your age or even younger than your age.

Facial exercises improve the blood circulation of your face and also give your facial veins and capillaries sufficient supply of oxygen. When there is sufficient supply of oxygen in your face then you skin will look younger and healthy. A facial exercise also helps to diminish or erase wrinkles by enabling your skin to absorb moisture better.

Facial Exercise

Here I've listed some facial exercise which can help you to look younger than your age and give you healthy glowing face.

(1) Sit down on a chair and then tilt your head backwards. Keep your lips closed and look up towards sky. Start to do a chewing movement. You will feel the muscles working on your neck and throat area. Repeat this exercise 20 times and the results of this exercise will be amazing.

(2) As in the first exercise sit upright then tilt your head back and look at the ceiling then keep your lips closed. And then open your lips and stick your tongue out as if you are trying to touch your chin with tip of your tongue. For ten counts keep your tongue out in this position. After that, return your tongue and head to its normal position.

(3) Sit down on a chair and look straight. Turn your head towards right without moving your shoulder. This exercise will stretch the skin above the collarbone. Hold in this position for five counts. Repeat the same on the other side. Relax and repeat this exercise 3 times.

(4) In another exercise you have to close your eyes and then look up and down. Repeat this exercise 10 times and then stretch your eyebrows for five counts before returning to normal position.

(5) In another exercise you should sit down in a chair and then tilt your head back and look towards ceiling. Keep your lips closed. And then try moving your lower lip over your top lip as far as possible and keep it there for 5 counts. After that relax and repeat for 5 times.

(6) Sit in an upright position and face forward and keep your lips together, separate your teeth by dropping your jaw and then push your jaw forward, keep for a count of 10 and bring back to starting position. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Within two weeks you can see obvious improvement in your face and doing this exercise regularly for six to nine months can help you to look much younger than your actual age.


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