Acai berry is tiny grape like fruit which is produced by the acai palm trees. These palm trees were been found in southern parts of America, Brazil, Peru, etc. Acai palm tree is considered very useful. It's fruit i.e acai berry is considered as its most important and most useful part.
This wonderful fruit came into limelight only when host of research centers and health organizations become aware of its antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Now, this fruit is famous all over the world for its anti aging and health benefits. Researchers have demonstrated acai berry as one of the most nourishing foodstuff ever located on the earth.

Acai berry and anti aging
Acai berry has many health benefits. But its major health benefit is that it is packed with anti-oxidants. It is proven that acai berry contains 10 times anti oxidants than grapes and twice as much as blueberry. According to researchers it is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-9 acids, Vitamin B , proteins and minerals. It is commonly known as anti aging compound. It is also proved that taking proper amount of acai antioxidants each day helps one to reduce aging process to a great extent. It is also said that single cup of acai berries contains approximately 26000 of anti oxidants.
Other health benefits of acai berry
Besides its anti aging benefits it had many other health benefits, some of its benefits are as follws
It increases the energy level.
It helps in better digestion.
It improves sleeping.
It increases sexual performance.
It reduces cholesterol
It strengthen hearts functionality
It re-enforces Immune System.
Although it’s true that acai berries are eaten as food but it is not a good idea for you to consume acai berry directly after plucking from the acai palm trees. It has to be processed and while buying the products of acai berry, I suggest you to take proper precautions too.