Normal cycle of hair growth lasts from 2-6 years. During this phase each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per one month. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. And the rest 10 percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in resting phase. The resting hair falls out after 2-3 months and new hair starts to grow in its place. This is the normal cycle of hair growth and hair loss. Hence you don’t need to worry if you lose about 50-100 head hairs a day because these hairs are replaced. These hairs again grow back on the same follicle on your head. But in case you are losing more hair then you should think that something is wrong and immediately consult your doctor.
First of all you should know that what causes hair loss? Hair loss and thinning hair are resulted by different conditions and causes. If you found out the cause then solution would be simple for you. Some of the major causes of hair loss are listed below.

(1) Alopecia Areata Childbirth
When a woman is pregnant, more of her hairs will be growing. But many of her hairs enter the resting phase of hair cycle, after delivery of her baby. So within month or two many women will notice that she’s losing large amount of her hair. In most cases the hair fall would continue form one to six month and completely resolve after that.
(2) Trichotillomania
People who suffer from trichotillomania (which is classified as a psychological disorder) pull out their hair. Most people pull out their hair when there is excessive amount of stress in their mind.
Some people actually do it so compulsively they even go bald.
And their hair is usually lost in patches. Sometimes the hair shaft is broken, and occasionally the follicle itself is damaged and scarred.
when there is more scarring there would be less chance of hair regrowth.
(3) Genetics
Genetics is also one of the major reasons for hair loss. If you are losing lots of hair or going bald early then it may be because of your genes. If your parents and grandparents had hair loss problems then you are also likely to have that problem.
The culprit hormone behind most hair loss is (DHT or, dihydrotestosterone). So, if your parents lost lots of their hair during their younger days then you are also likely to have hair fall.
(4) Low Serum Iron
Iron deficiency is also one of the cause of hair loss. People who do not intake enough iron in their diet or people whose body doesn’t absorb enough iron may lose their hair. Iron deficiency may develop on women who have heavy menstrual periods. Low iron can be detected by laboratory tests. And for correction you can take iron pills.
(5) Hair treatments and styling
Hair treatments with hot oils or irons weaken your hair. Similarly coloring, bleaching or straightening also weakens your hair and causes it to break off. Over styling and excessive brushing also cause hair to fall out if the hair shaft becomes damaged.
(6) High Fever, Severe Infection, Severe Flu -
Your hair is more likely to enter into the resting phase when you are suffering from illnesses like high fever, severe infection and severe flu. Four weeks to three months after a high fever, severe illness or infection, a person may be shocked to see lots of hair falling out.
(7) Skin diseases
Skin disease are also one of the major cause of hair fall. When some skin disease like ringworm and psoriasis affect your scalp then you may notice large amount of your hair is falling out. But no need to worry because when these disease are controlled the hair fall usually stops.
First of all you should know that what causes hair loss? Hair loss and thinning hair are resulted by different conditions and causes. If you found out the cause then solution would be simple for you. Some of the major causes of hair loss are listed below.

Hair Loss
(1) Alopecia Areata Childbirth
When a woman is pregnant, more of her hairs will be growing. But many of her hairs enter the resting phase of hair cycle, after delivery of her baby. So within month or two many women will notice that she’s losing large amount of her hair. In most cases the hair fall would continue form one to six month and completely resolve after that.
(2) Trichotillomania
People who suffer from trichotillomania (which is classified as a psychological disorder) pull out their hair. Most people pull out their hair when there is excessive amount of stress in their mind.
Some people actually do it so compulsively they even go bald.
And their hair is usually lost in patches. Sometimes the hair shaft is broken, and occasionally the follicle itself is damaged and scarred.
when there is more scarring there would be less chance of hair regrowth.
(3) Genetics
Genetics is also one of the major reasons for hair loss. If you are losing lots of hair or going bald early then it may be because of your genes. If your parents and grandparents had hair loss problems then you are also likely to have that problem.
The culprit hormone behind most hair loss is (DHT or, dihydrotestosterone). So, if your parents lost lots of their hair during their younger days then you are also likely to have hair fall.
(4) Low Serum Iron
Iron deficiency is also one of the cause of hair loss. People who do not intake enough iron in their diet or people whose body doesn’t absorb enough iron may lose their hair. Iron deficiency may develop on women who have heavy menstrual periods. Low iron can be detected by laboratory tests. And for correction you can take iron pills.
(5) Hair treatments and styling
Hair treatments with hot oils or irons weaken your hair. Similarly coloring, bleaching or straightening also weakens your hair and causes it to break off. Over styling and excessive brushing also cause hair to fall out if the hair shaft becomes damaged.
(6) High Fever, Severe Infection, Severe Flu -
Your hair is more likely to enter into the resting phase when you are suffering from illnesses like high fever, severe infection and severe flu. Four weeks to three months after a high fever, severe illness or infection, a person may be shocked to see lots of hair falling out.
(7) Skin diseases
Skin disease are also one of the major cause of hair fall. When some skin disease like ringworm and psoriasis affect your scalp then you may notice large amount of your hair is falling out. But no need to worry because when these disease are controlled the hair fall usually stops.