
Best Anti Aging Tips

Posted by whitney smith Friday, September 17, 2010

Many people believe that it isn’t possible to maintain youthfulness of your skin without the help of anti aging products, surgery and other artificial methods. But it’s a totally wrong concept. There are many simple methods which can help you to maintain youthfulness of your skin. If by a slight change in your lifestyle your skin looks and feels younger then why don’t we follow those methods? Another advantage of these methods is that it’s costless, all you need to spend is your little effort and the result will appear in your skin.

Here is the list of natural anti aging tips that you can follow to maintain youthfulness of your skin;

Protect your skin from sun
Overexposure to the sun is also one of the major culprits for premature aging of the skin. Several skin problems like wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer may occur if you do not protect your skin from harmful rays of the sun. Hence you should never forget to wear sunscreen before going out to face the sun. You should use sunscreen with minimum of SPF #15. Even during the cold season you should not go out without sun protection. So I suggest you to wear sunscreen all year round.

Drink lots of water
You should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Drinking water helps to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. You should drink water to avoid dehydration as dehydration leads to dry looking rough skin and even wrinkles. Beside water I also suggest you to drink green tea as it has lots of anti aging benefits.

Quit smoking
Smoking is also one of the major causes of premature aging process. Studies have shown that wrinkles appear much faster and deeper in the skin of a smoker than non smoker. When you smoke collagen is destroyed. Collagen is essential to healthy youthful skin.

Proper diet
You should intake foods and vegetables that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are the major tool that helps you to fight aging process. Similarly you should also intake foods that contain vitamin c and e as they are scientifically proven to replenish your body's collagen.

Take a regular care of your skin
You should regularly take care of your skin. You should regularly cleanse your skin. Similarly you should also keep your skin moist and hydrated. You can use a good moisturizer for this purpose. You should also exfoliate your skin at least twice weekly as it helps you to wash away dead skin.

Exercise regularly
You should exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes. Exercises help to increase the blood flow to your skin. When there is better blood flow to your skin then your skin will look naturally beautiful. Similarly an exercise also promotes sweating and sweating helps to keep your skin clean.


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